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分析化学, 化学计量学, 生命分析化学, 食品分析及安全
, 1982年华东理工大学硕士立博研究生毕业获硕士学位. 1989年聘为副教授. 1991年、2006年三度以访问教授身份去澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学1994年起享受江西省政府特殊津贴.
年起任分析化学学科硕士生导师, 1997-2003年任南昌大学学术委员会委员), 2001-2006年任江西省自然科学基金会委员.


从事化学计量学、电分析化学和食品安全等领域的立博研究和教学工作. 南昌大学2003年成立以来,先后主持了国家自然科学基金项目6,中科院长春应用化学立博研究所电分析化学国家重点实验室和湖南大学化学生物传感器与计量学国家重点实验室项目各2,江西省自然科学基金项目6. 20余年来,在国内外知名学术刊物上发表论文380余篇,其中SCI源刊论文200余篇,H-index 29.

《立博》,倪永年,科学出版社, 2004

2. 《立博》,倪永年(编委之一),科学出版社,2003

王勇副教授 博士, 林小云副教授 博士, 张秋兰副教授 博士, 郭瑛博士, 庄欠粉高级实验师 博士, 倪永年教授.

1. 化学计量学在电化学波谱解析中的应用 (No. 29365011, 1994.01-1996.12)
2. 化学计量学在电化学分析中的应用 (No. 29665001, 1998.01-2000.12)
化学计量学复杂体系解析及食品分析应用 (No. 20065001, 2001.01-2003.12)
化学计量学在农药残留量分析中的应用 (No. 20365002, 2004.01-2006.12)
化学计量学在小分子核酸作用机理立博研究中的应用 (No. 20562009, 2006.01-2008.12)
多维数据辨析法用于兽药与生物大分子作用体系的立博研究 (No. 21065007, 2011.01-2013.12)
1. 多元分析法在分析化学中的应用立博研究 (No. 9032, 1991.01-1993.12)
化学计量学在电化学波谱解析中的应用 (No. 9327, 1994.01-1996.12)
化学计量学在极谱和伏安分析中的应用 (No. 962111, 1997.01-1999.12)
化学计量学在食品添加剂分析中的应用 (No. 0020022, 2001.1-2002.12)
化学计量学在复杂体系解析和动力学分析中的应用 (No. 0320014, 2004.01-2005.12)
化学计量学在有机农药残留分析中的应用 (No. 0620041, 2006.01-2007.12)
化学计量学在食品分析中的应用 (2003.01-2004.12)
2. 食品中有机农药残分析方法立博研究 (2005.01-2006.12)
基于化学小分子探针的信号转导过程立博研究 (GJJ08018, 2008.01-2009.12)
二维指纹图谱技术在食品质量控制中的应用 (GJJ11280, 2011.01-2013.12)
1. 电分析化学中的化学计量学应用立博研究 (2000.01-2001.12)
电分析化学在有机农药残留分析中的应用 (SKLEAC2004-3, 2004.01-2005.12)
化学计量学在复杂体系解析和动力学分析中的应用 (No. 2002-18, 2002.01-2003.12)
电化学传感器立博研究药物小分子与DNA的作用 (No. 2005022, 2006.01-2008.12)
食品安全分析中的化学计量学应用 (SKLF-TS-200819, 2008.01-2009.12)
指纹图谱技术结合化学计量学用于食品质量控制 (SKLF-TS-200919, 2009.01-2010.12)
3. 新型电化学生物传感器的构建及在生物和食品安全检测及分析中的应用 (SKLF-ZZB-201303, 2013.01-2014.12)

《立博》,《立博》和《南昌大学学报.自然科学版》编委. 江西省化学化工学会常务理事.

Analytical Chemistry, Analytica Chimica Acta, Talanta, Food Chemistry, Analyst, Analytical Methods, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sensors & Actuators: B,《全球最大的体育外围投注平台》(英文版),《立博》,《立博》等国际国内学术刊物的审稿人. 2000年起任国家自然科学基金委通讯评审专家.

1. 项目《多元分析法在分析化学中的应用立博研究》1996年获江西省科技进步二等奖(第一).
5. 2003
项目《化学计量学方法立博研究》1997年获江西省教育厅科技成果二等奖 (第一).
项目《化学计量学波谱解析立博研究》1999年获江西省教育厅科技成果二等奖 (第一).
项目《立博》2006年获江西省高校2002-2004年度科技成果一等奖 (第一).
项目《立博》2007年获江西省高校2005-2006年度科技成果三等奖 (第一)
项目《生命体系中几种基本化学问题的立博研究》2011年获江西省高校 2009-2010年度科技成果二等奖(第一).
12. 项目《食品安全和食品检测中某些科学问题的立博研究》2013年获江西省高校2011-2012年度科技成果二等奖(第一).
13. 项目《突出理工结合优势, 促进学科建设与高质量人才培养》1997年获江西省教学成果一等奖(第三).
14. 1995年获南昌大学陈香梅教育奖.
15. 2004
年《立博》获江西省教育厅"普通高等学校省级优质课程"称号, 排名第一. 依据赣教高-[1998]019号文件第九条规定"省级优质课程视同省级教育成果而二等奖"

16. 2006年《立博》获江西省教育厅"普通高等学校省级优质课程"称号, 排名第一. 依据赣教高-[1998]019号文件第九条规定"省级优质课程视同省级教育成果而二等奖"
17. 2007



207. Yong Wang, Wei Cao, Chang Yin, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. Nonenzymatic amperometric sensor fornitrite detection based on a nanocomposite consisting of nickel hydroxide and reduced graphene oxide.Electroanalysis, 2018, 30, 2916-2924

206. Yong Wang, Wei Cao, Luyao Wang, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. Electrochemical determination of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol using a hybrid film composed of a copper-based metal organic framework and electroreduced graphene oxide. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185(6), 315(1-9).

205. Yong Wang, Tianxia Chen, Zhengtao Zhanga, Yongnian Ni. Cytidine-stabilized copper nanoclusters as afluorescent probe for sensing of copper ions and hemin. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 9057-9062.

204. Qianfen Zhuang, Pan Guo, Song Zheng, Qiong Lin, Yuanyi Lin, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni. Green synthesis of luminescent graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots from human urine and its bioimaging application. Talanta, 2018, 188, 35-40.

203. Yong Wang, Wei Cao, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. Electrochemical determination of hydrogenperoxide using a glassy carbon electrode modified with three-dimensional copper hydroxide nanosupercages and electrochemically reduced graphene oxide. Analytical Letters, 2018, 51(15), 2441-2456.

202. Qianfen Zhuang, Wei Cao, Yongnian Ni, Yong Wang. Synthesis-identification integration: One-pot hydrothermal preparation of fluorescent nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots for differentiating nucleobases with the aid of multivariate chemometrics analysis. Talanta, 2018, 185, 491-498.

201. Yong Wang, Tianxia Chen, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. Label-free photoluminescence assay for nitrofurantoin detection in lake water samples using adenosine-stabilized copper nanoclusters as nanoprobes. Talanta, 2018, 179, 409-413.


200. Ying Guo, Xiaoxiao Ding, Yongnian Ni. The combination of NIR spectroscopy and HPLC chromatography for differentiating Lotus seed cultivars and quantitative predicting of four main constituents in Lotus with the aid of chemometrics, Analytical Methods, 2017, 9, 6420-6429.

199. Xiaoyun Lin, Yanfang Wang, Wenhui He, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Nano-composite of Co3O4 and Cu with enhanced stability and catalytic performance for non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose sensors, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 54460-54467.

198. Qianfen Zhuang, Liming Sun, Yongnian Ni. One-step synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets with the help of melamine and its application for fluorescence detection of mercuric ions. Talanta, 2017, 164, 458462.

197. Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Xueying Pei, Serge Kokot. Electrochemical detection of DNA damage inducedby clenbuterol at a reduced graphene oxide-Nafion modified glassy carbon electrode. Analytical Methods, 2017, 9, 1105–1111.

196. Qiulan zhang, Yongnian Ni. Comparative studies on the interaction of nitrofuran antibiotics with bovine serum albumin. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 39833-39841.

195. Yong Wang, Tianxia Chen, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. One-pot aqueous synthesis of nucleoside-templated fluorescent copper nanoclusters and their application for discrimination of nucleosides. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 32135-32141

194. 陈天霞, 张正涛, 王勇, 倪永年. 胞苷保护的铜纳米簇新型荧光探针检测重铬酸根离子. 高等学校化学学报, 2017, 38, 1737-1741.

2016 (以下所有论文均为通讯作者)
193. Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Electrochemical cholesterol sensor based on cholesterol oxidase and MoS2-AuNPs modified glassy carbon electrode. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2016, 233, 100-106.
192. Yong Wang, Jie Hu, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. Label-free fluorescence fensing of lead(II) ions and sulfide ions based on luminescent molybdenum disulfide nanosheets. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4, 2535-2541.
庄欠粉, 曹伟, 吴琦, 倪永年. 基于氮化碳纳米粒子荧光检测金离子. 高等学校化学学报, 2016, 37(9), 1611-1615.
190. Xinrong Guo, Fangying Wu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Synthesizing a nano-composite of BSA-capped Au nanoclusters/graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets as a new fluorescent probe for dopamine detection.Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 942,112-120.
189. Ying Guo, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Evaluation of chemical components and properties of the Jujube fruit using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2016, 153, 79-86.
. Xiaoxiao Ding, Ying Guo, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A novel NIR spectroscopic method for rapid analyses of lycopene, total acid, sugar, phenols and antioxidant activity in dehydrated tomato samples.Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2016, 82, 1-9.
Ying Guo, Yongnian Ni, Jinfeng Chen, Serge Kokot. A kinetic spectrofluorometric method, aided bychemometrics, for the analysis of sibutramine, indapamide and hydrochlorothiazide compounds found in weight-reducing tonic samples. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8, 197–204.
186. Jie Hu, Qianfen Zhuang, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni.
Label-free fluorescent catalytic biosensor for highly sensitive and selective detection of the ferrous ion in water samples using a layered molybdenum disulfide nanozyme coupled with an advanced chemometric model. Analyst, 141, 1822-1829.
185. Qiulan Zhang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Competitive interactions between glucose and lactose with BSA: which sugar is better for children? Analyst, 2016, 141, 2218-2227.
184. Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Electrochemical and bio-sensingplatformbasedonanovel 3D Cunano-flowers/layeredMoS2 composite. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 79, 685-692.
183. Yong Wang, Jie Hu, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni.
Enhancing sensitivity and selectivity in a label-free colorimetric sensor for detection of iron(II) ions with luminescent molybdenum disulfide nanosheet-based peroxidasemimetics. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 80, 111-117.
182. Xinrong Guo, Yong Wang, Fangying Wu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot.
Preparation of protonated, two-dimensional graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets by exfoliation, and their application as a fluorescent probe for trace analysis of copper(II). Microchim Acta, 2016, 183, 773-780.
胡杰, 王勇, 倪永年. 基于层状二硫化钼纳米片比色检测亚锡离子. 高等学校化学学报, 2016, 37(3), 448-453.
180. Qianfen Zhuang, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni.
Solid-phase synthesis of graphene quantum dots from the food additive citric acid under microwave irradiation and their use in live-cell imaging. Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence, 2016, 31, 746-753.
179. Zhuo Li, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A sensor based on blue luminescent graphene quantum dots for analysis of a common explosive substance and an industrial intermediate, 2,4,6-trinitrophenol. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 137, 1213-1221.
Zhuo Li, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A rapid and label-free dual detection of Hg (II) and cysteine with the use of fluorescence switching of graphene quantum dots. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2015, 207, 490-497.
177. Haiyan Song, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A novel electrochemical sensor based on the copper - doped copper oxide nano-particles for the analysis of hydrogen peroxide. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2015, 465, 153-158.
176. Yong Wang, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni.
Fabrication of riboflavin electrochemical sensor based on homoadenine single−stranded DNA/molybdenum disulfide−graphene nanocomposite modified gold electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2015, 736, 47-54.
175. Xiaoxiao Ding, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Analysis of different Flos Chrysanthemum tea samples with the use of two-dimensional chromatographic fingerprints, which were interpreted by different multivariate methods. Analytical Methods 2015, 7, 961-969.
174. Xinrong Guo, Yong Wang, Fangying Wu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot.
A colorimetric method of analysis for trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide with the use of the nano-properties of molybdenum disulfide.Analyst, 2015, 140, 1119-1126.
173. Wenjiang Dong, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Differentiation of Mint (Mentha haplocalyx Briq.) from different regions in China using gas and liquid chromatography. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38(3), 402-409.
172. Yong Jiang, Yongnian Ni. Automated headspace solid-phase microextraction and on-fiber derivatization for the determination of clenbuterol in meat products by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38(3), 418-425.
171. Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. An electrochemical DNA-sensor developed with the use of Methylene Blue as a redox indicator for the detection of DNA damage induced by endocrine-disrupting compounds. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 867, 29-37.
170. Zhuo Li, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Fluorescence analysis of 6-mercaptopurine with the use of a nano-composite consisting of BSA-capped Au nano-clusters and core-shell Fe3O4-SiO2 nanoparticles.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 70, 246-253.
169. Hua Zhuang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot.
A comparison of near- and mid-infrared spectroscopic methods for the analysis of several nutritionally important chemical substances in the Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita): total sugar, polysaccharides, and flavonoids. Applied Spectroscopy, 2015, 69(4), 488-495.
168. Xiaoxiao Ding, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the discrimination of pure, powdered, purple sweet potatoes and their samples adulterated with the white sweet potato flour.Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 144, 17-23.
167. Qiulan Zhang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot.
The use of DNA self–assembled gold nano–rods for novel analysis of lead and/or mercury in drinking water. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7, 4514 - 4520.
166. Zhuo Li, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A new fluorescent nitrogen-doped carbon dot system modified by the fluorophore-labeled ssDNA for the analysis of 6-mercaptopurine and Hg (II). Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74, 91-97.
Xinrong Guo, Yong Wang, Fangying Wu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. The use of tungsten disulfide dots as highly selective, fluorescent probes for analysis of nitrofurazone1. Talanta, 2015, 144, 1036-1043.
164. Yong Wang, Qianfen Zhuang, Yongnian Ni. Facile microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis of highly fluorescent nitrogen-sulfur-codoped carbon quantum dots for cellular imaging applications. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015,
21, 13004-13011.
163. Yong Wang, Yao Gu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Inhibition effect of graphene oxide on the catalytic activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme. Luminescence, 2015, 30, 940-946.
162. 庄欠粉, , 倪永年. 聚脱氧腺苷酸/还原石墨烯纳米复合膜电化学传感器检测核黄素. 高等学校化学学报, 2015,36(9), 1674-1680.
161. Yong Wang, Baohui Li, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Multi-wavelength high-performance liquid chromatography: An improved method for analysis of complex substances such as Radix Paeoniae herbs.Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2014, 130, 159-165.
160. Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni. Combination of UV-vis spectroscopy and chemometrics to understand protein-nanomaterial conjugate: a case study on human serum albumin and gold nanoparticles. Talanta, 2014, 119, 320-330.
159. Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni.
New insight into protein–nanomaterial interactions with UV–visible spectroscopy and chemometrics: human serum albumin and silver nanoparticles. Analyst, 2014, 139(2), 416-424.
158. Ruiling Sun, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Simultaneous kinetic spectrometric determination of three flavonoid antioxidants in fruit with the aid of chemometrics. Spectrochimica Acta A, 2014, 122, 529-535.
157. Zhuo Li, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Unmodified silver nanoparticles for rapid analysis of the organophosphorus pesticide, dipterex, often found in different waters. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2014, 193, 205-211.
156. Ruiling Sun, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Spectrophotometric analysis of phenols, which involves a hemin-graphene hybrid nanoparticles with peroxidase-like activity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 266, 60-67.
155. Yongnian Ni, Hua Zhuang, Serge Kokot.
A high performanceliquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry method for the analysis of the natural medicine, Forsythia Suspensa. Anaytical Letters, 2014, 47,102-116.
154. Yong Wang, Ruirui Zhu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Competitive interactions of anti-carcinogens with serum albumin: a spectroscopic study of bendamustine and dexamethasone with the aid of chemometrics.Spectrochimica Acta A, 2014, 123, 241-248.
153. Haiyan Song, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Investigations of an electrochemical platform based on the layered MoS2-graphene and horseradish peroxidase nanocomposite for direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2014, 56, 137-143.
152. Wenjiang Dong, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot.
A novel near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics method for rapid analysis of several chemical components and antioxidant activity of Mint (Mentha haplocalyx Briq.) samples. Applied Spectroscopy, 2014, 68, 245-254.
151. Ruiling Sun, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Graphene quantum dots and the resonance light scattering technique for trace analysis of phenol in different water samples. Talanta, 2014, 125, 341-346.
Yongnian Ni, Pingping Wang, Haiyan Song, Xiaoyun Lin, Serge Kokot. Electrochemical detection of benzo(a)pyrene and related DNA damage using DNA/hemin/nafion-graphene biosensor. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2014, 821, 34-40.
Qiulan Zhang, Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Analysis of complex molecular systems: the impact of multivariate analysis for resolving the interactions of small molecules with biopolymers – a review.Analytical Letters, 2014, 47(7), 1089-1106.
148. Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Electrochemical mechanism of eugenol at a Cu doped gold nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode and its analytical application in food samples. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 133, 484-491.
147. Yong Wang, Minghua Mei, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Combined NIR/MIR analysis: a novel method for the classification of complex substances such as Illicium verum Hook. F. and its adulterants. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 130, 539-545.
146. Hua Zhuang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Combining HPLC-DAD and ICP-MS data for improved analysis of complex samples: classification of the root samples from Cortex moutan. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2014, 135, 183-191.
145. Xiaoxiao Ding, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Differentiation of cultivars of Flos Chrysanthemum with the use of high-performance liquid chromatography fingerprints and chemometrics.
Analytical Letters, 2014, 47,2023-2034.
144. Ping Qiu, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Simultaneous voltammetric determination of four triazine herbicides in water samples with the aid of chemometrics. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2014, 49(10), 722–729.
Yong Wang, Yongnian Ni. Molybdenum disulfide quantum dots as a photoluminescence sensing platform for 2,4,6-trinitrophenol detection. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86(15), 7463-7470.
142. Zhuo Li, Ruiling Sun, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A novel fluorescent probe involving a graphene quantum dots-enzyme hybrid system for the analysis of hydroquinone in the presence of the toxic resorcinol and catechol. Analytical Methods, 2014, 6(18), 7420-7426.
141. Wenjiang Dong, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy method for direct Analysis of several chemical components and properties of fruit, for example, Chinese Hawthorn. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61(3), 540–546.
140. Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Glassy carbon electrodes modified with gold nanoparticles for the simultaneous determination of three food antioxidants. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 765, 54-62.
139. Pingping Wang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A novel dsDNA/polydiphenylamine-4-sulfonic acid electrochemical biosensor for selective detection of the toxic catechol and related DNA damage. Analyst, 2013, 138, 1141-1148.
138. Yongnian Ni, Fangyuan Zhang, Serge Kokot.
Graphene oxide as a nanocarrier for loading and delivery of medicinal drugs and as a biosensor for detection of serum albumin. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 769, 40-48.
王萍, 倪永年. 抗氧化剂没食子酸丙酯合成纳米银及其应用. 高等学校化学学报, 2013, 34(4), 831-847.
Xiaoyun Lin, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A novel electrochemical sensor for the analysis of β-agonists: Thepoly(acid chrome blue K)/graphene oxide-nafion/glassycarbon electrode. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2013, 260, 508-517.
Zhenzhen Xia, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Simultaneous determination of caffeine, theophylline and theobromine in food samples by a kinetic spectrophotometric method. Food Chemistry, 2013, 141, 4087-4093.
Haiyan Song, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A novel electrochemical biosensor based on the hemin-graphene nano-sheets and gold nano-particles hybrid film for the analysis of hydrogen peroxide. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 788, 24-31.
Ping Qiu, Yong-Nian Ni, Serge Kokot. Application of artificial neural networks to the determination of pesticides by linear sweep stripping voltammetry. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2013, 24, 246-248.
132. Qiulan Zhang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Competitive interactions of ionic surfactants with salbutamol and bovine serum albumin: a molecular spectroscopy study with implications for salbutamol in food analysis.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 7730-7738.
131. Haiyan Song, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A glassy carbon electrode modified with poly(anthranilic acid), poly(diphenylamine sulfonate) and CuO nano-particles for the sensitive determination of hydrogen peroxide.Microchimica Acta, 2013, 180, 1263-1270.
130. Yong Wang, Baohui Li, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. A high-performance chromatography method for quality control of complex substances: analysis of marker alkaloids and flavonoids of the herb Herba leonuri(Yimucao). Analytical Methods, 2013, 5, 6051-6067.
129. Yongnian Ni,
Haiyan Song, Serge Kokot. A novel electrochemical method for the analysis of hydrogen peroxide with the use of a glassy carbon electrode modified by a prussian blue/copper-gold bimetallic nanoparticles hybrid Film. Electroanalysis, 2013, 25(9), 2211-2220.
128. Yongnian Ni. Minghua Mei, Serge Kokot. One- and two-dimensional GC-MS and HPLC - DAD fingerprints of complex substances: a comparison of classification performance of similar, complex Rhizoma Curcumae samples with the aid of chemometrics. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 712, 37-44.
127. Yongnian Ni, Rongmei Song, Serge Kokot. Analysis of HPLC fingerprints: discrimination of raw and processed Rhubarb samples with the aid of chemometrics. Analytical Methods, 2012, 4, 171-176.
126. Qiulan Zhang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot. Combined voltammetric and spectroscopic analysis of small molecule - biopolymer interactions: the levodopa and serum albumin system. Talanta, 2012, 88, 524-532.
125. Qiulan Zhang, Yongnian Ni, Serge Kokot, Binding interaction of dopamine with bovine serum albumin: abiochemical study. Spectroscopy Letters, 2012, 45, 85–92.
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